Monday, October 27, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fitzgerald . . .

We had a wonderful wedding on Saturday at our house on the lake. Right threatened and happened most of the day but I had asked God for time without rain to have the ceremony and he answered our prayers. It was beautiful and the weekend was just so special all around.


Rosemarie said...

I am so happy for them - congratulations!

Audrey Lois said...

Another Fitzgerald added to the family! Congrats to each and eveyone of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought if I couldn't find a picture of this event on the family page I might find it on the Blog. Nice shot. They look very happy. Glad to hear that all went well, and I hope it does go well for them forever. Anne.

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations! I am so glad that your prayers were answered for nice weather. And......they say that if it rains on your wedding day it is good luck. So....see!!!!